Candace Salvatucci – Practice Manager | Savvy Profit

Candace Salvatucci, Practice Manager at Savvy Profit sharing her story of inspiration.

“There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving” – I have always tried to live by those very insightful words spoken nearly 2000 years ago.

Since 1996 I have chosen to live a relatively simple life working part time in whatever work was available to cover my own expenses so that I could volunteer my time [15+ hours each week] in the community teaching people about the Bible. In 2002 I was lucky enough to marry a man who, although as a CPA had the opportunity to make huge money, also has the same goals in life as me. We now have structured our accounting business in a way that allows us to work and volunteer together.

The two biggest challenges I face are [1] living on a tight budget is a sacrifice and stressful, often and [2] as an introvert and waaaay too empathetic I can feel emotionally drained easily.

So what inspires me to do it? The Bible and it’s bright hope for the future!

The joy and satisfaction that comes from helping a person find answers to their questions from their own copy of the Bible is immeasurable in dollar terms. Questions such as ‘why has God allowed suffering?’ ‘what is the purpose of life?’ and ‘what does the future hold?’ are all answered in whatever copy of the Bible you have on your shelf, I [along with 8 million others worldwide] just help people locate the right page!

Giving of yourself for no other reason but care for others sure does make me happy. Tired, but happy!!


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